The Magical Melodies of the Mandolinista
Egidio "Jimmy" Faiella was born and raised in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania in the United States of America. This American-Italian mandolinista only knows of Old World Italy through his childhood memories of visiting his grandparents. Although he's never been to Italy, he vividly remembers beautiful Italian melodies from his childhood days... when he was a little boy, he actually thought everyone's grandpa played the mandolin! Young Egidio was captured by the beautiful sounds of the mandolin and fell deeply in love with the music he heard because music was surely in his blood!
Like many children and grandchildren of Italian decent, Egidio was born and raised on American culture and music. Egidio makes it clear, "I've literally recorded and produced many different styles of music throughout my life and I can honestly say that NOTHING remotely compares to the feelings I experience when I play my mandolin... I close my eyes and feel like a little boy again all over again... It's the GREATEST feeling!"
Join Jimmy (Edigio) at Nonni's as he strolls from table to table playing the hauntingly mandoline. The elegant atmosphere, the outstanding Italian cuisine, and this wonderful mandolinista are a fantastic combination.